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A young person with curly hair and glasses writes in a large book, surrounded by papers and a cat, in a library with a globe and golden streams of light swirling around them.

Automated Story Bibles
Make Author Marketing Fast and Fun!

As a writer, I know that the art of storytelling is just the beginning; it's the art of marketing for authors that will determine my stories’ reach and impact. I have spent many a dreary hour beating my head against the proverbial marketing wall, trying to figure out how to highlight my books’ unique aspects effectively and engage readers. Realm Chef, with its revolutionary use of generative AI in marketing, offers a unique solution: the automated story bible, elevated into a powerful author marketing tool.

Harnessing the Power of Story Bibles in Author Marketing

A story bible is an indispensable asset in marketing for authors, acting as a foundational blueprint for your narrative universe. It goes beyond mere record-keeping of characters, settings, and crucial plot points — it's a strategic author marketing tool that enhances how you communicate your story to the world.

  • Guaranteeing Consistency & Accuracy: Readers are drawn to worlds they can get lost in. An organized story bible ensures that every piece of author marketing material, from social media snippets to email teasers, reflects the same world, characters, and storyline presented in your books — and keeps you on track with all those pesky details. (What WAS that character’s eye color again? . . .)
  • Building Trust, Enhancing Engagement: When readers notice that the world you've marketed matches the world they're reading about, it builds trust. Thus, an organized story bible can help grow a community of loyal fans, eagerly awaiting your next release — and expanding your reach organically through their own promotional efforts!
  • Streamlining the Author Marketing Process: With all your book’s details organized into a story bible, you can quickly create author marketing materials without having to comb through your manuscript repeatedly. This efficiency not only saves time but also allows you to focus more on creative aspects of marketing for authors — and on writing more books.

With a well-constructed story bible, you can weave a compelling author marketing narrative that is consistent, coherent, and deeply engaging. This organized approach ensures that every piece of promotional material resonates with the core of your story, effectively capturing your target audience's imagination. It's about transforming the intricate details of your tale into impactful author marketing messages that highlight the most captivating elements — tropes, high-emotion scenes, character arcs — to draw readers into your world.

Realm Chef: Revolutionizing Story Bible Creation with Generative AI in Marketing

Story bibles can be a game changer in author marketing — but manually compiling all the details of your narrative world is an exhausting task, costing you a fortune in time (if you’re going it alone) or both time AND money (if you hire someone else).

This is where AI marketing tools shine! Harnessing the power of generative AI in marketing, Realm Chef's automated process simplifies this task by generating a comprehensive story bible for you in mere minutes.

All YOU do is upload your manuscript. That’s it! Then sit back and watch as Realm Chef rapidly analyzes your book, extracts the key details, and organizes them into categories:

  • chapter summaries
  • timeline events
  • synopsis
  • character profiles
  • location profiles
  • logline
  • back cover blurb

Dual Benefits: Organization and Impactful Marketing for Authors

  • Staying Organized: With Realm Chef’s innovative use of generative AI in marketing, the cumbersome task of keeping your story straight becomes effortless. The automated story bible acts as your personal library, cataloging every element of your narrative and keeping those details easily accessible.
  • Rocket-Fueled Marketing: Empowered by this organized understanding, Realm Chef’s marketing features are able to sift through your story details in seconds, identifying and extracting the most captivating elements — tropes, high-emotion scenes, character arcs — that make the most impactful promotional materials. That’s the magic of the automated story bible: transforming the intricate details of your tale into dynamic marketing messages, usable across all your platforms and campaigns.
A black cat wearing a chef's hat, giving a high-five with its paw.

Realm Chef’s Story Bible: The Powerhouse AI Marketing Tool

With a well-constructed story bible, you can weave a compelling author marketing narrative that is consistent, coherent, and deeply engaging. This organized approach ensures that every piece of promotional material resonates with the core of your story, effectively capturing your target audience's imagination — while keeping their trust.

I was helping a published author compile their series bible last year. Getting through the first two books and prequel short story cost them several thousand dollars to pay for the information curation . . . and now there’s Realm Chef!                                                              ~ Karistina Lafae, Urban Fantasy Author

Realm Chef’s automated story bible allows authors to access this secret marketing ingredient instantly, and at a fraction of the usual cost. Try Realm Chef today, and let this powerful use of generative AI inject your author marketing efforts with the best fuel of all: YOUR story!

Try Realm Chef Today

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